3rd Level Work Placement


BRILL FRC welcomes the opportunity to work with 3rd Level students and their respective College/ University in providing an opportunity for Work Placement/ Work Practice.  We typically facilitate Social Care, Community Development and/or Health Promotion Students but are open to other disciplines, dependant on relevance between the Course and Placement.

Looking for Placement can be stressful for students, but it also makes up a substansial part of your college course and learning in this area- Choose Wisely.

Do not ‘panic’ apply to places, just to secure a placement. Be strategic and demonstate this approach when you contact the Agency/ Organisation you are applying to.

Application Process

Research the Organisation/ Group you are applying to

What part of their Programmes are You interested in?


How does this connect to your Course and your placement Learning Aims?

Demonstrate you knowledge of the overall organisation as well as the Programme you want.

Your Application Process/ Interview needs to show focus, research and insight.

Organisational Perspective

Convince the Agency/ Organisation, that you are worth the investment, Start Strong and really work for the placement.

The correct placement is always worth the effort.

Next Steps

Go to our website : www.brillfrc.ie

Look at our Projects and their work. If you find an area you like, go to their FB page and get more info.

Contact the specific project via E mail. In a Cover Letter, make a case, based on the advice above, as to why you are a suitable candidate for this. Please also attach a CV.

We will reply to all applicants.

If there is a place available, you will be invited to meet us for an informal view, where you will met with some members of the Organisation, to discuss your application further.

Best of luck!

NB please see Application Form below