Adult Training and Education ( ATEC)



Through support from WWETB and the REach Fund, we are delighted to be able to provide a whole range of  classes/ courses/ learning opportunities to Adults.

These courses are perfect for those looking to claim some time for themselves, learn a new skill, meet new people or challenge yourself to try something new. ATEC – Our Adult Training & Education Coordination section of BRILL FRC offers formal and informal training and education opportunities in the community, for the community.

If there is a particular interest that you may have and would like to see provided in a class or a group, please let us know and we will try our best to get it up and running!


Speak your Truth- Creative Writing


Monday Evening Yoga Classes


Baking With Emma Classes


Exhale Therapeutic Art Group

Crafts Group

ABBA Art Therapy Group


Level 1

WWETB Adult Education are running these ESOL classes. These currently run on Friday evenings fro 6.30-7.30.

We are working on additiional times and days.

Level 2

WWETB Adult Education are running these ESOL classes. These currently run on Friday evenings fro 7.30-9.30.

We are working on additiional times and days.

For further information on these classes, please contact Olena Yatsynova , WWETB, on  087-3422628 / 051-873195

Please feel free to contact Marie on :


051 – 350100