- To involve local people in identifying needs and developing needs led responses collectively.
- To enable local people to develop their own potential and to improve the quality of their lives.
- To Improve the Functioning of the Family
- To Combat disadvantage
About us
- Family Support
- Community Based, after school hours, education support for local 2nd level students
- Supports to unemployed/ underemployed. Assistance with forms, printing, photocopying etc
- ParentChild+
- Waterford Parent Hub
- ATEC- Community Education Courses and general adult training and education
- Creative Therapies; Therapeutic Horticulture, Play Therapy, Art Therapy, Music Therapy
- Commercial Garden and Community Allotments
- A Social Club for Parents of Children with Additional Needs
Our Mission, Vision and Spirit Statement
MISSION : To support families and individuals, and the advancement of education, training and development for the community.
VISION: Our Vision is that all children, families and communities will actively participate, and be included in, a society that is free from prejudice, inequality, discrimination and exclusion, and which will contribute to their greatest possible wellbeing.
The spirit of BRILL FRC is to reach out to all members of the community, to encourage people to believe in their own uniqueness, dignity and equality and to explore the potential within themselves, their family and their community.
Aims of Brill FRC
Current Board of Management
BRILL FRC is managed by local volunteers that are directors of the Limited Company and are responsible for the direction of the work of the project including overall financial management.
- Edwin Adebayo ( Chair)
- Mary Molloy ( Company Secretary)
- Liz Rockett ( treasurer)
- Sandra Ogayemi (Company Director)