Waterford Parent Hub



Waterford Parent Hub is A  ‘One Stop Shop’ for Parents and Carers looking to identify Parenting Supports, Services, Courses and information to assist in their parenting role.  Parents and Carers across Waterford City and County can access supports, information and signposting through Waterford Parent Hub.

Waterford Parent Hub has a dedicated phone line, email, WhatsApp and social media channels for parents to make contact through.  We also host our own website where you can access information on Services and Events happing across Waterford City and County that Parents and Careers can access.

For Information on Services and Events across Waterford City and County for Parents Please check out our website and follow us on our social media Channels

Waterford Parent Hub Website

Waterford Parent Hub Facebook

Waterford Parent Hub Instagram



Waterford Parent Hub is here to assist parents with several things:

  • Signpost parents to services and supports they may need based on their parenting role
  • Signpost parents to Parenting courses, programmes or workshops that aim to support parents to enhance their parenting skills
  • Promote Self Care for parents and actively advertise opportunities for parents to take some time out for themselves and recharge their batteries
  • Advertise and support Parent to Parent Support Groups
  • Signpost and make referrals for parents to agencies who can support their children